Art Gallery
Stylishly designed rooms are located in the loft of the building covering almost 100 m2. They are arranged mostly for holding exhibitions of works of art from various fields of visual art, or thematic exhibitions. They are also suitable for exhibitions focusing on history and nature. Audio-visual equipment is provided to fully support the area.
- GRAFIKY A KRESBY ze Severočeské sbírky
(28. 03. 2025 - 15. 06. 2025)
upcoming -
David Mazanec: META
(13. 12. 2024 - 16. 03. 2025)
current exhibition! -
(06. 09. 2024 - 01. 12. 2024) -
Klára Klose – Dílo člověka
(22. 03. 2024 - 16. 06. 2024) - Železný Brod v běhu času do roku 1948
(15. 12. 2023 - 10. 03. 2024) -
(13. 10. 2023 - 03. 12. 2023) -
Oldřich Plíva – SOUVISLOSTI
(09. 06. 2023 - 24. 09. 2023) -
Denisa Smetanová, Zuzana Kadlecová: TY DRUHÉ
(10. 03. 2023 - 28. 05. 2023) -
Martin Vencl
(30. 09. 2022 - 05. 01. 2003) -
(24. 06. 2022 - 25. 09. 2022) -
Břetislava Plívová-Pospíšilová: OBRAZY
(25. 04. 2022 - 19. 06. 2022) -
Milan Metelák
(28. 01. 2022 - 18. 04. 2022) -
Dagmar Loumová – Kouzlo Naší Krajiny
(06. 10. 2021 - 16. 01. 2022) -
(11. 06. 2021 - 26. 09. 2021) -
(11. 12. 2020 - 03. 06. 2021) -
Miloš Janků: průmyslový_design – 30 let
(11. 09. 2020 - 06. 12. 2020) -
(11. 06. 2020 - 06. 09. 2020) -
Vladislav Mašek a Blanka Habrová: sklo & gobelín
(28. 02. 2020 - 31. 05. 2020) -
Dalibor Matouš
(29. 11. 2019 - 23. 02. 2020) -
Jiří Tesař
(06. 09. 2019 - 24. 11. 2019) -
Jiří Salaba
(24. 05. 2019 - 01. 09. 2019) -
Libuše Pražáková
(22. 02. 2019 - 19. 05. 2019) -
Jiří Urban
(23. 11. 2018 - 17. 02. 2019) -
Jiří Ryba
(07. 09. 2018 - 18. 11. 2018) -
Vladimír Veselý
(29. 06. 2018 - 02. 09. 2018) -
Jan Šimek
(04. 05. 2018 - 24. 06. 2018) -
Vlasta Matoušová
(23. 02. 2018 - 29. 04. 2018) -
Jaroslav Hudský
(15. 12. 2017 - 18. 02. 2018) -
Zuzana Kadlecová
(20. 10. 2017 - 10. 12. 2017) -
Jaroslav Kodejš
(25. 08. 2017 - 15. 10. 2017) -
Josef Kábrt
(23. 06. 2017 - 20. 08. 2017) -
Blanka Brožová
(28. 04. 2017 - 18. 06. 2017) -
Eva Vlasáková
(24. 02. 2017 - 23. 04. 2017) -
Ludmila Matoušová
(16. 12. 2016 - 19. 02. 2017) -
Richard Náhlovský
(21. 10. 2016 - 11. 12. 2016) -
Miloslav Janků
(26. 08. 2016 - 16. 10. 2016) -
Klasikové české krajinomalby/The classics of the Czech landscape painting
(01. 07. 2016 - 21. 08. 2016) -
Natalie Hlubučková Soukupová
(29. 04. 2016 - 26. 06. 2016) -
Václav Pokorný
(04. 03. 2016 - 24. 04. 2016) -
Jiří Rada
(18. 12. 2015 - 28. 02. 2016) -
Jaroslav Klápště
(23. 10. 2015 - 13. 12. 2015) -
Ivana Houserová
(28. 08. 2015 - 18. 10. 2015) -
Josef Jíra
(26. 06. 2015 - 23. 08. 2015) -
Vladimír Hlubuček
(10. 04. 2015 - 21. 06. 2015) -
Vladimír Otmar
(06. 02. 2015 - 05. 04. 2015) -
Vladimír Komárek
(20. 11. 2014 - 01. 02. 2015) -
Svatopluk Kasalý
(18. 09. 2014 - 16. 11. 2014)
GRAFIKY A KRESBY ze Severočeské sbírky
28. 03. 2025 - 15. 06. 2025
David Mazanec: META
13. 12. 2024 - 16. 03. 2025
06. 09. 2024 - 01. 12. 2024
Klára Klose – Dílo člověka
22. 03. 2024 - 16. 06. 2024
Železný Brod v běhu času do roku 1948
15. 12. 2023 - 10. 03. 2024
13. 10. 2023 - 03. 12. 2023
Oldřich Plíva – SOUVISLOSTI
09. 06. 2023 - 24. 09. 2023
Denisa Smetanová, Zuzana Kadlecová: TY DRUHÉ
10. 03. 2023 - 28. 05. 2023
Martin Vencl
30. 09. 2022 - 05. 01. 2003
24. 06. 2022 - 25. 09. 2022
Břetislava Plívová-Pospíšilová: OBRAZY
25. 04. 2022 - 19. 06. 2022
Milan Metelák
28. 01. 2022 - 18. 04. 2022
Dagmar Loumová – Kouzlo Naší Krajiny
06. 10. 2021 - 16. 01. 2022
11. 06. 2021 - 26. 09. 2021
11. 12. 2020 - 03. 06. 2021
Miloš Janků: průmyslový_design – 30 let
11. 09. 2020 - 06. 12. 2020
11. 06. 2020 - 06. 09. 2020
Vladislav Mašek a Blanka Habrová: sklo & gobelín
28. 02. 2020 - 31. 05. 2020
Dalibor Matouš
29. 11. 2019 - 23. 02. 2020
Jiří Tesař
06. 09. 2019 - 24. 11. 2019
Jiří Salaba
24. 05. 2019 - 01. 09. 2019
Libuše Pražáková
22. 02. 2019 - 19. 05. 2019
Jiří Urban
23. 11. 2018 - 17. 02. 2019
paintings and jewelry
Exhibition concept
Exhibition realized by DETESK s. r. o.
Opening ceremony November 22th 2018
Duration of exhibition 23 November 2018 – 17 February 2019
Organizer DETESK s. r. o., Příkrá 401, Železný BrodOpen daily 9.00 – 17.00 hodin
Jiří Ryba
07. 09. 2018 - 18. 11. 2018
glass sculpture
a selection of workExhibition concept Jaroslav Bárta
Graphic design of invitation, poster and texts Jakub Kalousek
Exhibition realized by DETESK s. r. o.
Opening ceremony September 6th 2018
Duration of exhibition 7 September – 18 November 2018
Organizer DETESK s. r. o., Příkrá 401, Železný BrodOpen daily 9.00 – 17.00 hodin
Vladimír Veselý
29. 06. 2018 - 02. 09. 2018
paintings · graphics · enamels
a selection of work
Exhibition concept Vladimír Veselý
Graphic design of invitation, poster and texts Jakub Kalousek
Exhibition realized by DETESK s. r. o.
Opening ceremony June 28th 2018
Duration of exhibition 29 June 2018 – 2 September 2018
Organizer DETESK s. r. o., Příkrá 401, Železný BrodJan Šimek
04. 05. 2018 - 24. 06. 2018
PAINTINGS 1987–2017
Exhibition concept Jan Šimek
Graphic design of invitation, poster and texts Jakub Kalousek
Exhibition realized by DETESK s. r. o.
Opening ceremony May 3rd 2018
Duration of exhibition 4 May 2018 – 24 June 2018
Organizer DETESK s. r. o., Příkrá 401, Železný BrodVlasta Matoušová
23. 02. 2018 - 29. 04. 2018
Exhibition concept Vlasta Matoušová
Graphic design of invitation, poster and texts Jakub Kalousek
Exhibition realized by DETESK s. r. o.
Opening ceremony February 22th 2018
Duration of exhibition 23 February 2018 – 29 April 2018
Organizer DETESK s. r. o., Příkrá 401, Železný BrodJaroslav Hudský
15. 12. 2017 - 18. 02. 2018
Exhibition concept Mgr. Petra Hejralová
Graphic design of invitation, poster and texts Jakub Kalousek
Exhibition realized by DETESK s. r. o.
Opening ceremony December 14th 2017
Duration of exhibition 15 December 2017 – 18 February 2018
Organizer DETESK s. r. o., Příkrá 401, Železný BrodZuzana Kadlecová
20. 10. 2017 - 10. 12. 2017
Jaroslav Kodejš
25. 08. 2017 - 15. 10. 2017
Josef Kábrt
23. 06. 2017 - 20. 08. 2017
Blanka Brožová
28. 04. 2017 - 18. 06. 2017
Eva Vlasáková
24. 02. 2017 - 23. 04. 2017
Ludmila Matoušová
16. 12. 2016 - 19. 02. 2017
Coming soon…
Richard Náhlovský
21. 10. 2016 - 11. 12. 2016
Coming soon…
Miloslav Janků
26. 08. 2016 - 16. 10. 2016
On Thursday August 25th, 2016, the opening event of an exhibition dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of Mr.Miloslav Janků, a painter, glass artist and teacher at the glass school in Železný Brod took place at the DETESK gallery.
He was born in Úpice, then moved to Semily at the age of ten and lived there until the age of sixty. He moved to Železný Brod in the mid-seventies together with his family and lived there until the end of his life and career which occured in 1994.
This exhibition shows his paintings dated from the mid-seventies as well as pieces of art made of blown glass and blowing glass. The works of art of Miloslav Janků are also mentioned in the permanent exhibition which is located on the first floor of the museum.Klasikové české krajinomalby/The classics of the Czech landscape painting
01. 07. 2016 - 21. 08. 2016
No more informations…
Natalie Hlubučková Soukupová
29. 04. 2016 - 26. 06. 2016
Natalie Hlubučková, paintings from Malá Skála and elsewhere.
Natalie Hlubučková Soukupová was born in Prague, year 1929. After finishing The High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking in Železný Brod she went back to Prague. She was accepted to study painting on academy in atelier of Otakar Nejedlý. There, she also met her future husband, painter Vladimír Hlubuček. With him she regularly visited region of his birth, area around village Malá Skála. And so lot of inspiration for her paintings comes from Malá Skála and surrounding.
Exhibition in DETESK’s gallery offers a lot of opportunities to familiarize with her paintings, which most of them are from Malá Skála, river Jizera and few of them from “elsewhere”.
Václav Pokorný
04. 03. 2016 - 24. 04. 2016
Václav Pokorný was born on 9th of January 1914 in Plzeň. He graduated in 1936 in Prague.
In 1946 he got an invitation from his schoolmate Viktor Vorliček and on the recommendation of Professor Cyril Bouda he moved to Jablonec nad Nisou. Alternately he taught at the specialized schools in Jablonec nad Nisou or he worked as artist in Železný Brod to become a freelance artist in 1963.
Beside painting he was intensively engaged in graphics, he did not imitate anyone in his art works, to be himself, he managed exceptionally.
He died on 19. 11. 2005 in Jablonec nad Nisou.
The exhibition of Václav Pokorný – selection of his work, will run from 04. 03. 2016 till 24. 04. 2016.
Jiří Rada
18. 12. 2015 - 28. 02. 2016
Jiří RADA was born on 8th of May 1929 in Železný Brod. In 1943 he started his studies at School of Jewelry in Turnov, branch of engraving of gemstones and glass at Professor Tuček.
He graduated successfully in 1946, afterwards he continued in his studies at Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, in the atelier of special graphic art at Professor Pukl. He finished his studies in 1950. Most of his life he spent in Prague, where he created in an atelier in Letna until the 90th years.
He participated of countless exhibitions in Czechoslovakia and abroad, the first of them in 1945.
Jiří Rada died on 30th of September 2011 in Prague, he is buried in the cemetery in Železný Brod.
Jaroslav Klápště
23. 10. 2015 - 13. 12. 2015
He was born on 07. 08. 1923 in Čikvásky – near to Železný Brod. He lived with his parents in Slovakia for a couple of years, where his father worked as railroad engineer – had been building railway lines. In 1942 he passed his school-leaving exam at Lyceum in Turnov, in the years 1945 – 1950 he made his studies at University of Applied Ars in Prague – in the ateliers of Professor František Tichý and Professor Emil Filla.
After he had done his military services, he had settled in Turnov. The small village Čikvásky – region of Semily became his second home and especially his endless source of his creative ideas. Throughout the years he worked at several ateliers in Prague.
According to his guru – Professor František Tichý, he has devoted himself to graphic art, a countless of books of poetry have been supplemented by his illustrations.
In November 1988, an accident at the station in Turnov, tragically impacted his life. After the eight-month stay in the hospital, he returned to paint and to newly live after his own to Čikvásek.
Jaroslav Klápště died on 23rd of September 1999 in the hospital in Prague.
Ivana Houserová
28. 08. 2015 - 18. 10. 2015
Exhibition of glass – Ivana Houserová
In the Museum and Gallery of the company DETESK on the square, is held a exhibition of mould-melted glass and drinking sets of Ivana Houserová. Glass artist and pedagogue whose life and work prematurely ended a tragedy in Drhleny. Since her birth (25.6.1957) she lived in Krásná – a village situated in the District of Jablonec nad Nisou, she studied at the School of Decorative Arts in Železný Brod – in the department of glass engraving (1972 – 1976), then she graduated at University of Applied Arts in the glass atelier of Professor Stanislav Libensky (1976-1982). Since her study at univesity she has been interested in author´s glass sculpture. Her favorite technique has been the mould-melted glass. She never had no doubt that her attention attracts drinking glass, too. Since the years 80s, Moser Glassworks of Karlovy Vary produces the sets according her designs.
Ivana Houserova participated more than 200 collective exhibitions and she exhibited separately several time. She participated three times in international glass symposiums in Nový Bor (in 1985, in 1988 and 2006, once in Sars-Poterie, France (in 1995) and in Leerdam, Holland (in 1997). You can find at least 120 of her glass works over the world, most of them in USA, in Japan, China, but also in Czech Republic, in Germany, in France and elsewhere. In the school year 1984-1985 she was in charge of glass engravers in the School of Decorative Arts in Železný Brod and in 2008 she returned to the school and she was in charge of students in the department of glass cutting and mould-melted glass.
Josef Jíra
26. 06. 2015 - 23. 08. 2015
I come from a countryside called „ dreamers of our mountains“.
You can find on one of my painting written down:
At Jira´s place in Freidorf was found a Medina book.
I feel a mystery of the countryside and the daily life of ancestors, reading this inscription. World is not interesting without a mystery. This mysterious board also contains the secrets of my life, that was filled with discord of two forces striving after my soul – black & white. As a child I recognized a magic of Easter at my grandmother’s place in Horky, celabrating ressurection. It was so fascinating and I feel this magic up to this day. Still returning to my imagination. It is not a fiction, no calculation without effect, I feel it as liberality. Each of my painting is accompanied by impulsion. I couldn´t paint „Way of the cross“ without having an experience with pain of soul, without seeing dying my loved ones, without understaning anguish of sick ones.
1929 – born on 11th of October in Turnov. His childhood he spent in Malá Skála at his parents‘ place and at his grand-parents‘ place in a village called Horka.
1943 – he was admitted to Professional jewelry school in Turnov – section of precious stones at Professor Karel Tuček.
1946-1952 – studies at Academy of Art in Prague
He began at preparatory school at Professor Karel Minář and after one year he went over to Professor Miloslav Holý.
He attended his studies at Professor Otakar Nejedlý and Vlastimil Rada also.
In 1952 he graduated at Academy of Art in Prague.
1955 – He was awarded an annual grant for painting „Comediants“ (at present exhibited in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow)
1968 – he got through the aspiration at Academy of Art in Prague. The professorate was him offer but he refused it due to the political reason.
28. 10. 2004 – State Awads of Merit from Václav Klaus
2005 – Josef Jíra died on 15th of June in a hospital in Turnov
21. 6. 2015 – Farewell ceremony with Josef Jíra in Malá Skála
Vladimír Hlubuček
10. 04. 2015 - 21. 06. 2015
Vladimír Hlubuček has chosen a paysage as motif of his life.
Certainly it was a picturesqueness of his birthplace what’s inspired for this decision.
He was born in Frýdštejn, in a small village placed near to Malá Skála,
the place that is characterized by its nature variety – the massed rocky formations and river valley are accompanied by colors of pines and beeches.
The native landscape was a initial and very inspiratory source of his work.
The further impulsion to apply the landscape-painting came from Academy of Art from Professor Otakar Nejedlý.
He belonged to the group of painters who were able to see the known scenery in all its metamorphoses.
Therefore are his paintings from Jizera at Křížek, where he had spent a lot of time, such a various despite of fact his paintings illustrate the same part of landscape.
Born on 20th of October 1928 in Frýdštejn
Since his childhood he was living in Křížky nearby Malá Skála.
1945 – 1948 Studies at Secondary Technical school of glassmaking in Železný Brod / Glass Painting Dpt. at Professor Mr. Miloslav Janků
1949 – 1956 Studies at Academy of Art in Prague at Professors Ján Žiblický, Vlastimil Rada and Otakar Nejedlý. During his studies in Prague he met Miss Natálie Soukupová whom he later married.
1953 – he won the Awards of Academy of Act for painting
1959 – he placed on 3dr place for his painting named „ Pražské nábřeží“ at the occasion of the International festival of Youngh and Students in Vienna.
1962 – his 1st individual exhibition in Prague
1965 – he won Regional Award of Středočeský KNV
1977 – individual exhibition in Gallery V. Kramáře in Prague
1984 – Exhibition in Gallery Bratří Čapků in Prague
1988 – Awards SČVU and ČFVU
1995 – Awards for painting „Prehistory“ in Barcelona at the occasion of the International competition of painting
1996 – Exhibition in Malá Skála with participation of his wife Natálie
2000 – Exhibition in Semily – Museum and Gallery of Pojizeří
2001 – 2nd Exhibition in Gallery Bratří Čapků in Prague
2004 – Exhibition in Nová síň in Prague
2006 – Exhibition of paintins and printings in Museum and Gallery of Pojizeří in Semily
He individually exhibited in Galleries of Arts, ČFVU in Prague in the years 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989 and in 1991.
He exhibited also in Lysá nad Labem, in Turnov, in Soběslav, in Staré Hrady by Libáň, in Kutná Hora and in Všeň (with participation of his wife Natalie), in Paris (1988), in Hamburg (1994)
He was a member of Association of Czech Artists.
Participation in the common exhibitions:
Young Czech Artists , Moscow (1956), Grantees SČVU , Mánes, Prague (1957), Exhibition of Young, Brno, Bratislava (1958 & 1959), Vienna (1959), Prague Salon , Obecný dům, Prague (1959 & 1960), Salon of Czechoslovak Art, Pavillon of Brussels, Prague (1965 & 1967), Painters and Sculptors of Prague 6, Gallery V.Kramář, Prague (1967), Contemporary Czech Art, U Hybernů , Prague (1968), Group K68, Kolín, 2. Prague salon, U Hybernů, Praha (1969), Disappearing paysage and Travelling Painters, Gallery U Řečických, Prague (1971), City and Folks, Gallery V. Kramáře, Prague (1972), Czech Painters, Mánes, Prague (1973), Czech and Slovak Artists to the 30th Anniversary of SNP (Awards), Mánes, Prague and Scenery of Czech countryside, Gallery V. Kramáře, Prague (1974), Artists to the 30th Anniversary of liberation of ČSR (Awards), Jízdárna Pražského hradu, Prague (1975), Show of Czechoslovak Fine Arts, Jízdárna Pražského hradu, Prague (1978), Artists to children, Mánes, Prague (1979), Show of Czechoslovak Fine Arts, Jízdárna Pražskéh hradu, Prague (1980),The 50th anniversary of strike in Most (Awards),Mánes, Prague (1982), Confession of life and peace, Prague (1985 Paintings and sculptures of Prague artists, Mánes, Prague (1987), Salon ´88, PKOJF Prague (1988), Seven painters and sculptors, Paris (1988/9), Five Czech painters, Kunsthalle, Hamburg (1994), Paintings of landscape inspiration, Association of Prague Painters, Mánes, Prague (1995), Kozákov in Fine Arts, Museum and Gallery of Pojizeří, Semily (1998), Salon of Prague, Průmyslový palác, Prague (2000), Association of Prague Painters, Měcholupy (2003).
Since 1960 he was a member of JUV (Union of Fine Artists), in 1991 he became a Chairman.
He participated the following Membership Exhibitions of JUV in Prague (1967,1992,1996,1997,1998,2001,2007,2008,2013), in Rakovník (1969), in České Budějovice (1971), in Staré Hrady, in Prostějov, in Prachatice, in Jaroměř, in Jičín (1994), in Vlašim and in Soběslav (1995), in Bechyně (1996) and in Kladno (1994, 1995, 1996, 2001).
He also participated the Exhibition „Fine Art Summer of Malá Skála“ and since the mid-90´s the Exhibition „Painters of Pojizeří“ in Semily.
He liked to paint Bohemian scenery of Křížky, nearby Malá Skála and scenery of Prague. Till the years 70´s he also painted portraits and figurative compositions.
He visited Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Spain and Egypt where he painted as well.
His art influenced his stays in the Caucasus, in Georgia and in Armenia. Larger serie of paintings he created after his stay in the Mongolian desert Gobi (1985) that is represented in the private and also in the public collections in Bohemia and in another countries around the World.
2013 – Vladimír Hlubuček died, on 18th of August in Prague.
Vladimír Otmar
06. 02. 2015 - 05. 04. 2015
In Vladimír Otmar paintings we can find something
very close, attractive,
something what we would perhaps like to express by ourselves
if we knew how.
By wealth of colours, deep genuine sensitivity
and fundamental optimism his paintings confirm our feeling
that life is beautiful
despite all the obstacles and sorrows.
1935 Born on 1 September in Železný Brod
1950-1954 Graduate of the School of Jewellery in Turnov (field of sturdy – metal engraving)
1958-1964 Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.
General school of arts of prof. Jiří Horník.
Special school of figural and landscape paintings of prof. Vlastimil Rada and prof. František Jiroudek.
Awarded a travel scholarship to Italy.
Otmar liked Italy very much and returned to it with great pleasure (visited it about ten times).
1964-1965 A honorary year with prof. František Jiroudek at the Academy.
1966-1967 Studied in Hochschule für bildende Künste – prof. Max Kaus (West Berlin Senate Scholarship).
The artist continued tradition of the modern Czech realism and belongs among upholders of its colourist stream.
His paintings are based on understanding of the internal rhythm and external composition of the home region.
Themes were most frequently found in the Železný Brod region. These themes were recurred in miscellaneous variants, modified points of view, perspectives or changing atmosphere of days and seasons.
The artist brought new pictures and paintings from each journey to Italy.
Still life paintings performed by dramatic handwriting in glowing colours confirm his inclination to the emotionally intimate experience of the world.
The artist had solo exhibitions in West Berlin, Železný Brod (1972, 1985, 1993), Trutnov, Prague (1969, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1987), Turnov (1982, 1992), Lomnice, Jičín, Klatovy, Most, Liberec, Chrudim, Slatiňany etc.
In 70’s and 80’s the artist took part in nationwide exhibitions of contemporary painting, sculpting and graphic art. Awarded several times.
His paintings can be found in public as well as private collections of modern and contemporary art.
The artist lived and worked alternately in Železný Brod and in Prague.
He taught several years in the Art School in Turnov.
1994 On 19 July died in Železný Brod.
Organized by DETESK Železný Brod
Shop, Museum, Gallery and Vinothek in the square
Exhibition concept: Antonín Langhamer
Realization of the exhibition: the Detesk company
Opening ceremony: 5 February 2015
Duration of the exhibition: 6 February ‒ 5 April 2015
Vladimír Komárek
20. 11. 2014 - 01. 02. 2015
I have always tried hard to have my pictures easy to read.
I want to paint a piece of silence in the contemporary cult of ugliness.
Beauty, for which most artists today are ashamed.
I do not want to paint intestines of the bloodthirsty contemporary world.
I do not want to shock to draw attention to myself.
I paint helpless people with sensitive souls.
I do not want to “tear a passion to tatters, to very rags“, as Hamlet advises the actors.
Human tragedy is white, silent, stagnant like water and never ending.
I paint altars of consolation.
Desire for reconciliation…
Born on 10 August 1928 in Hořensko by Semily. Father – František Komárek (1894-1965), mother Johana, née Tapšíková (1907-1975).
1928-1939: Spent his childhood in Hasprunka by Malacky (Slovakia), where his father, the Russian legionary during the World War I, was gendarme.
1939: Komárek family moved to Nedvězí by Semily. Vladimír lived and created his works there till his death.
1945-1946: Studied painting on glass (prof. Miloslav Janků) in the High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking in Železný Brod.
1946: Enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (prof. Karel Minář). Left the school one year later.
1947: Applied for studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (prof. Karel Štipl). Enrolled in his Studio of Glyptics and Applied Plastic Art only after one-year practice in Associated Glassworks in Lednické Rovne (1947-1948).
1954: Graduated studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (prof. Karel Štipl) on the sixth (honorary)year.
1955-1957: Military service.
1954-1962: Methodologist of the Regional Palace of Education in Semily; taught at the Arts School (1962-1984) a externally at Ivan Olbracht Secondary School in Semily (1968-1984).
1957: Married Růžena, née Holubová from Semily.
1958: Became familiar with prof. Nadezhda Melnikova Papouškova. The first solo exhibition in Česká Lípa.
1959: Co-founder of the Group “7“ in Liberec. Exhibited with the Group till 1967.
The first solo exhibition in Prague in the Rokoko Theatre. Another exhibition with the sculptor Jiří Seifert in the Prague Gallery of Young Art (1960).
1961: Created the first engravings – drypoint which followed his linocuts, woodcuts and wood engravings.
1965: Accepted member of the Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists.
1967: The North Bohemian Publishing House in Liberec issued Vladimír Komárek monograph accompanied by Jiří David texts.
1968: Got an honourable mention from the Ministry of Culture for illustrations in Jaroslav Havlíček book Vlčí kůže (Wolfskin) in the competition for the Best Book of the Year. Other honourable mentions for illustrations in Leontýna Mašínová book Z dávných dob (Of Yore) (1970) and Jaromír John book Estét (Aesthete) (1971).
1970: Build a studio in the garden.
1970: The first solo exhibition abroad (ZB Gallery in Vienna).
1973: Vladimír Mikule, dr. Karel Samšiňák and dr. Jaroslav Vitáček (Komárek’s friends) began to issue occasionally the OKNO (WINDOW). Till 1981 thirteen “Windows” were issued. The first part of memories was published in the fourth of them (1976).
1974: Created the first cycle of etchings with the aquatint Stations of the Cross.
1980: Komárek’s friends issued “Essay about my Joyful Journey from the Cradle to the Crematorium” (Adolescence) and one year later “Essay about my Joyful Journey from the Cradle to the Crematorium” (How I met challenges).
1982: Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Czechoslovak Republic in the competition for the Best Book of the Year for illustrations of Sergey Yesenin poems. Honourable mentions in the same competition for illustrations in K.H. Mácha book Máj (May) (1983) and in Bohuslav Martinů book Myšlenky (Thoughts) (1985).
1990: Met Mikhail Shchigol, painter and architect.
1993: The first book edition of the “Essay about my Joyful Journey from the Cradle to the Crematorium or from Puberty to Menopause”.
1995: The publishing house Acropolis issued monographs: Vladimír Komárek – Paintings and Vladimír Komárek – Graphic Art.
1995: From 28 October took part in Tomáš Sláma radio show Tobogan (Helter-skelter).
1998: Painted the picture The Last Supper for the castle in Sobčice.
2000: Radioservis issued the book Vladimír Komárek. Řeči s Pavlínou (Talking with Pauline).
2001 and 2002: Worked with Mikhail Shchigol on the panel paintings Stations of the Cross for the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Konecchlumí by Jičín.
2002: On 24 August died in Jilemnice hospital.
2003: David, Jiří: Vladimír Komárek. Studio JB 2003.
2007: Bílá, Lucie: Jen krátká návštěva potěší (Only a short visit will please). Daranus 2007.
2008: Ebr, Vratislav (editor), Vladimír Komárek in letters for friends. Ikar Prague 2008
2008: Langhamer, Antonín (editor): Vladimír Komárek. 1928/2002/2008. Studio JB 2008.
Vladimír Komárek created in the period
1948-2002 ca 662 exlibris,
1952-1961 35 large linocuts, woodcuts and wood engravings (returned to creation of large linocuts and woodcuts also in later periods),
1961-2002 created over two hundred of large engravings – drypoint,
1959-2002 illustrated ca 125 books and occasional printed materials,
1960-2002 created ca 743 New Year greetings.
A number of solo exhibitions of paintings and graphic art in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Represented in collections of Bohemian and Moravian galleries of fine arts and certain museums, in home and foreign private collections of modern art.
Svatopluk Kasalý
18. 09. 2014 - 16. 11. 2014